In September 2024, we will celebrate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Helmond. This milestone marks the end of a dark period and the beginning of a life in freedom, something we still cherish today. Despite the destruction, such as the blowing up of bridges, Helmond was one of the first cities in the Netherlands to be liberated.

Since freedom is never a given, various Liberation celebrations are being organized. Each neighborhood commemorates the liberation in its own way with activities that bring the community together and highlight the value of freedom. From parades and memorial ceremonies to musical performances and lectures.

Let us pass on the stories of courage and hope to the next generations so that we never forget what freedom means. Together, we will make this 80th anniversary a memorable and inspiring period.

The Program

Liberation Task Force
On September 15, 2024, a convoy of approximately 350 historic British vehicles will travel from Leopoldsburg, following the route of Operation Market Garden towards Nijmegen. Around 12:00 PM, 100 vehicles will arrive in Mierlo-Hout, and 50 vehicles in the center of Helmond (Markt). Enjoy a static display there with performances by the Band of Brothers (12:00-4:00 PM). At 2:30 PM, the vehicles will depart, and at 3:30 PM, the Hippe Gasten will perform in a converted American school bus.

Freedom Fire De Peel
Ceremony and distribution of the Freedom Fire

September 18: Runners from Helmond and other municipalities will collect the Freedom Fire in Eindhoven and bring it to the Bethlehem Church.
September 19: The fire will be distributed from the Bethlehem Church to the eleven Peel municipalities.

Helmond Ceremony
On September 19, the Freedom Fire will be collected from the Bethlehem Church and brought to the square in front of Helmond Castle. This will be accompanied by an impressive procession of old military vehicles, guilds, shooting associations, and bagpipers. From the Veestraat Bridge, the runners will be preceded by the Fire Brigade Pipers & Drums from Gemert-Bakel.

Exhibition Elzas Passage
From September 14 to 29, you can visit a special exhibition about the liberation of Helmond 80 years ago in the Elzas Passage. There will be films, photos, newspaper articles, flags, and display cases with materials from that time. For children, there is a fun treasure hunt in the center of Helmond. Participate for a chance to win a prize! This special exhibition is organized by the Historical Society Helmont. Come by and experience the history of Helmond!

Bevrijdingsfeest Stiphout
Op 22 september om 18:15 uur draagt ​​de Badraoven het vuur van de kerk naar het bevrijdingsmonument, begeleid door het Sint Antonius Gilde. De 80e Bevrijdingsdag in Stiphout begint om 18:30 uur. Leerlingen van basisscholen St. Trudo en De Lindt presenteren hun creaties als blijvende herinnering. Veteranen en leerlingen steken het bevrijdingsvuur aan. Wijkwethouder Martijn de Kort spreekt, gevolgd door de Last Post, 2 minuten stilte en het Wilhelmus. Na het vlaggengebed en een toespraak is er gelegenheid om bloemen te leggen. Aansluitend is er een receptie in Zalencentrum de Smed.

Bevrijdingsfeest Mierlo-Hout
Op 22 september viert Stichting Mierlo-Hout Memorial 80 jaar vrijheid. Wij nodigen u van harte uit om samen met ons deze bijzondere dag te herdenken en te vieren! Dit jaar verwelkomen we zes gasten uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk, familieleden van soldaten die in 1944 hielpen bij de bevrijding van Mierlo-Hout. Veel van deze soldaten keerden veilig terug, maar helaas verloren anderen hun leven voor onze vrijheid. Hun namen staan ​​vermeld op het Mierlo-Hout Memorial.

Bevrijdingsviering Brouwhuis
24 september

Bevrijdingsfeest Hortensiapark
25 september

Alle activiteiten en aanvullende informatie vindt u op de website van de Gemeente Helmond .