For anyone who loves history or plans to write about it later, for anyone who’s a fan of art and culture, and for anyone looking for a day of relaxation; Helmond is so much more than just a historic industrial city. We’d like to show you around.

Back in time

Exploring the outdoors

  • A journey of discovery

    Another way to discover Helmond is to take one of the various city walks, such as the art or poetry route. You can also explore the countryside around the town by bike. We are especially proud of the Bundertjes, the Warande and the Stiphout woods, to name just a few.

    A journey of discovery
  • Downtown

    An old-fashioned day out in the city begins of course with a cup of coffee. Maybe also a cake, why not? What are you looking for today? A new wardrobe, possibly, or maybe you just want to surprise yourself in the shops you come across? That’s a good way to spend your day in Helmond!! 
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